About Us

The Henry County Networking Group is proud to connect business professionals and nonprofit organizations of Henry County. We feel your network can not only help you reach prospective customers, but it can push you to the next level as a business owner by strengthening your business connections and opening doors to new opportunities.

We are a networking group that meets monthly at various businesses within Henry County, and our attendance ranges anywhere from 30 – 60 people. There are a few ways to get involved in the HCNG: being a host location or being an attendee.

Hosting one of our meetings is a great way to showcase your business! We request that businesses looking to host can hold a minimum of 25-30 attendees and provide a late breakfast. Hosts are given the opportunity to address the attendees at the beginning of the event to share who they are, what they do, and any additional information.

Attending one of our monthly meetings is easy. All you have to do is show up! There is no charge to attend, but we request you bring plenty of business cards. Attendees are given the opportunity to introduce their company to the group. We request that attendees provide details on the services they provide, who would be an ideal client, and referral opportunities. At the end of the event, we open up the floor for attendees to share or discuss upcoming community events and ways to get involved.

We hope you will join us in building ever-lasting professional relationships!

For more information, please contact us at henrynetworking@gmail.com.

Michelle Amarra, Facilitator

Michelle is a Henry County native who is heavily involved in the community. She serves on the Main Street McDonough Board as well as the Leadership Henry Board, and is the President of SCB Video TV Marketing. When the original Founder, Adam Standfield, moved to Florida, Michelle assumed the responsibility of Facilitator. She believes networking is a strong part of growing a business and “building relationships is the best thing you can do to grow or get connected in your community.”

Tiffany Cooper, Co-Facilitator

Tiffany grew up in Henry County and is the owner and operator of Insurance Specialists of GA. She was blessed to have married her soulmate and have two beautiful daughters, Brooklyn and Ariana. Tiffany believes “networking allows me to meet and build relationships with people I may have never gotten the chance to meet. You always need to know people; you just never know when you will need them. It opens so many doors you didn’t even know existed.”